Monday 21 March 2011

Ablestoke Review - Peter Whiteford claims 5th at the Sicilian Open 2011

Ablestoke Review 
Peter Whiteford claims 5th at the Sicilian Open 2011

The Donnafugata Resort & Spa resort hosted the 2011 Sicilian Open, the first European Tour event on european soil of the 2011 season
This five-star venue has only been opened a couple of years and is approximately one hour's drive from Catania International Airport.

Peter Whiteford enjoyed an impressive display in difficult weather conditions which eventually forced the tournament to overrun and finish play on Monday morning.

A two-and-a-half hour delay for dangerous weather conditions on Sunday forced the Monday finish at Donnafugata Golf Resort & SPA, with the leading pair resuming with just one shot separating them and six holes to play.
Whilst Peter had risen to 3rd on the leaderboard on Saturday, he had a difficult final round, eventually finishing an admirable fifth behind  Raphaël Jacquelin who held off a spirited challenge from Anthony Wall to win his third European Tour title at the Sicilian Open.

Winning Ryder Cup Captain Colin Montgomerie finished in a tie for 26th, 10 shots behind the leader.

The tour now heads to Spain for the Andalucía Open in Malaga, which will hold mixed emotions for Peter. In 2010 Peter Whiteford finished 3rd, which was magnificent, apart from the fact he could have won but then someone stole his driver!!
From everyone at Ablestoke we would like to congratulate Peter on the Sicilian Open, and wish him the very best of luck for Andalucía where he is sure to feel he has unfinished business!

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Tuesday 22 February 2011

Ablestoke Consulting partner Lisa Bailey advises Mums

Lisa Bailey, partner at Ablestoke Consulting, has been asked to write a blog for website "Mums The Blog" which provides information for new mothers and mums to be

Click the link to read more

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Ablestoke Client News

Clients recommend Ablestoke Consulting

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Ablestoke - "To Fix or Not To Fix" your mortgage

Ablestoke Consulting review whether people should look to fix their mortgage interest rate in these uncertain times

Click the heading to

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Ablestoke Consulting Sponsor Peter Whiteford

Ablestoke Consulting have sponsored European Tour hopeful Peter Whiteford

Peter who turned pro in 2002 has a handicap of plus 3, is also sponsored by Mizuno and is competing on the 2010 European Tour for his 4th year

Good luck from everyone at Ablestoke Consulting for 2010 Peter

For more Ablestoke Consulting information visit the Ablestoke Consulting Website

Monday 13 December 2010

Ablestoke Announces No VAT Increase on Retainer Fees

Ablestoke announces No VAT increase for clients in 2011

Ablestoke Consulting have announced that they will not be passing on the increase in VAT to their retained clients

After a "tough but fair" Budget, VAT will rise from 17.5 per cent to 20 per cent in January of next year. New Chancellor George Osborne unveiled the largest package of tax increases and spending cuts in a generation, aimed at significantly reducing Britain's massive financial deficit within the next five years.

The Chancellor told the House of Commons: "The years of debt and spending make this unavoidable. This single tax measure will by the end of this Parliament generate over £13 billion a year of extra revenues. That is £13 billion we don't have to find from extra spending cuts or income tax rises."

A spokesperson for  Ablestoke announced “We appreciate that our clients will be suffering already from a rise in their cost of living due to general inflation, energy price rises, the above inflation rises in public transport fares announced and the rise in price of services many companies will pass on to their clients.

Ablestoke therefore will not be increasing the price of our retainer service for clients, and will bear the cost of the VAT increase internally”.

·          Ablestoke Consulting offer a retainer fee based service to their clients, which gives access to three different service levels depending on a client’s needs.
·          The Ablestoke service is based around a long term, ongoing relationship between a dedicated consultant and the client offering regular financial planning reviews, general financial advice and access to a range of industry specialists in all areas of financial planning.

For more details of the Ablestoke service visit:

Brits 'preparing to spend big ahead of VAT rise' and save big in 2011

Ablestoke beleive there are mixed views on whether the impending VAT rise in January will lead to a retail spending spree for Christmas. Retailers are hoping that the January VAT rise will boost Christmas spending, and big names including Marks & Spencer, Debenhams, Currys, Argos and House of Fraser slashed prices by up to 50% on Saturday in a bid to draw in customers.

However, according to the Citizens advice bureau most of the public are unaware of the VAT rise with Almost a fifth of the British public not knowing what VAT stands for, a survey conducted by Citizens Advice indicates.

Their research shows that many people will struggle to adapt their budgets to accommodate the change.

One in eight (13 percent) of respondents are not aware that VAT is rising, while 18 percent do not know the current rate.

Citizens Advice Chief Executive Gillian Guy said that the figures could indicate that many people will end up in debt in the New Year.

"At this time of year we urge people to consider their spending carefully. Planning, budgeting and organisation are key to avoid getting into debt at Christmas and beyond," Ms Guy commented.

The majority of respondents (58 percent) told the charity that they budget for Christmas to ensure they do not overspend.

Some 438 Citizens Advice Bureaux are currently operating across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

To see the CAB findings visit: Citizens Advice Bureau Website

The Bank of England (BOE) Holds Interest rates at 0.5%

The Bank of England held back from another bout of quantitive easing and kept interest rates on hold at 0.5% today, seemingly confident that the economic recovery will continue.  

The MPC – the Bank's monetary policy committee, voted to keep rates at their record low of 0.5% - the 20th month rates have remained unchanged. The MPC also did not increase the quantitative easing (QE) scheme beyond its current £200bn level.

Quantitive Easing involves the bank 'printing' money that can be used to purchase assets from banks so that they may be freed to lend more money to businesses and individuals.

The economy grew in the 3rd quarter of 2010 by 0.8% instead of the 0.2% predicted, which may have reduced the pressure on the BOE to act.

Ablestoke are aware that some are calling on the BOE to raise interest rates and apply some downward pressure on prices; this would also provide some relief to savers who have seen the value of their cash savings reduce as savings accounts are typically offering below-inflation returns.

However, the BOE has refused to increase rates, arguing that prices will come down of their own accord as spending cuts slow growth. They have said that rate rises would kill the economic recovery.

For more information on the Bank of England’s latest announcements visit: Bank Of England Website

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Thursday 9 December 2010

Ablestoke Consulting Charity Golf Day

Ablestoke Consulting hosted a Charity corporate golf day on the 14th October 2010

We have received a big thankyou from the charity as we raised £4444.14  Excellent !!!

Ablestoke would like to thank the management of the venue -
Brockett Hall  Brocket Hall Website

The charity is the much deserving The Connection at St Martin In-The-Fields The connection-at-stmartins

Ablestoke would again like to thank the companies who have supported this event by entering teams:

If you would like any information on this event or any other Ablestoke Consulting events then either contact us on or visit our website:

Sunday 5 December 2010

RAF Sportsman Of The Year 2010 Recommends Ablestoke Consulting


Ablestoke Consulting Client: Simon Taylor
 Wins the 2010 Royal Air Force Sportsman of the Year

Corporal Simon Taylor who is an exercise rehabilitation therapist in the Royal Air Force and also a Team GB Modern Pentathlete has won the 2010 Royal Air Force Sports personality of the year Award and has endorsed the work of his Financial Consultant at Ablestoke Consulting

Simon who is aiming to compete for Great Britain in the 2012 Olympic Games in London praised Barnaby Balkwill, a certified financial planner at Ablestoke Consulting, stating: “Barnaby has been a great asset in managing my finances. His personal touch on all financial matters makes him a pleasure to work with”

Simon who has been a client of Ablestoke Consulting since 2008 also praised Barnaby for his integrity and the good value he has benefited from following his advice

Simon, British junior champion in 2000, took up shooting and swimming at an early age and later started fencing.
“Much of Britain's recent Olympic success has been aided by the funding elite athletes now receive from the National Lottery and Simon believes the system of supporting athletes is now far better than in the past”.

Whilst funding is obviously vital, Simon understands that managing his finances is too

“I have been a client with Ablestoke Consulting for about 2 years. I was recommended to them from a friend to sort out my personal finances in order to secure my future.
Ablestoke have helped me hugely, from setting up my short term and medium term investments, to ensuring I have enough money day to day. Their friendly and approachable staff give a great personal service, taking time to teach you the ways and means of finance in today’s complicated times.

Although the countries financial situation over the last two years has been quite turbulent, Ablestoke have ensured all my finances have been safe, secure and what’s more profitable. 

In the last 2 years Ablestoke have:

·         Helped manage debts and advise the best options.
·         Advised on pensions
·         Set up investments, which have performed very well
·         Given budgeting advice
·         Provided Financial planning models
·         Assisted in mortgage planning

The modern pentathlon is made up of five disciplines, all of which take place in a single day.
The 1st event is shooting; the 2nd is fencing, which is both Simons favourite and strongest event. The 3rd event is a 200 metre freestyle swimming race, the 4th event is horse riding which involves a show jumping course, and the 5th and final event is a 3000 metre race.

From all of us at Ablestoke well done & good luck for London 2012 Simon!!!

For more information on Ablestoke Consulting visit:

To find out more about Simon and how you can help sponsor his Olympic bid visit: 

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